We are currently experiencing technical issues with our contact form. Please bear with us as we try to resolve it. In the mean time if you have an enquiry please contact info@hsardogs.org.uk and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as we can.
*HSAR Dogs Recruitment Status: We are currently closed for recruitment for operational volunteers. However, if you are interested in Training Support, fundraising or admin volunteer roles for further information about joining the team and information about future HSAR Dogs open days please contact us via our contact form below.
Please submit your enquiry using the secure form below. For all recruitment enquiries we will respond to you in the new year (see above). For everything else we try to respond with in a few days.
What is your interested role? Please tick all that apply:
To be an operational member of the team you need to be over 18 years of age. To be training support over 16.
Our privacy policy can be found here